A verse for today:

It is better to be patient than powerful; it is better to have self control than to conquer a city.
Proverbs 16:32

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Son is in Love .... with Molly

He met Molly back in Jan of 2010. They had a long distance relationship until August of 2010, when he decided to test the waters and move to New Orleans to be with her. Wow, what a decision that was, I drove down with him, he found a place to share with a friend and just rented a bedroom from him. Molly is so nice, so sweet, so in love with my son. She has been to our house several times to visit and now my son is on her turf. I have strange feeling about this, but the more I see them together, the more comfortable I am with them as a couple. Does that make sense?

Out of the blue, my son calls and wanted to know if it was OK for him to marry Molly, did we have any objections - lands no we said. And the plans begins. Molly's parents were in town for a day and we met up for lunch at the Elephant Bar. They are just as nice as she is and they seem to love my son. Wow, what a aha moment. We are planning to offer the money that we inherited from my grandmother to him for the ring. Molly's mom has offered her diamond in her ring for Molly's ring. Isn't that just the sweetest thing? I'm not sure how I feel about that but I think the gesture was nice, real nice.

My husband and I drove to New Orleans to help plan their engagement party. Son has got the ring on order and since we are going to be in town, he wanted to pop the question and surprise her with a party. Susan (Molly's mom, and my new best friend) was on board with it from day one. She called me a few times with ideas; she didn't like mine. She did like that I suggest the foyer when Molly goes to college as a place of interest. Come to find out she did like the idea, so we start the plans. At first she wanted to do a tailgating party at a park, but the park would not let us use electricity after 7 pm so that was out of the question. So to the seminary we will go.

She took care of sending out invitations ( ! )
ordered special M&Ms (some said Molly and Son, April 15, 2011, and other had a small picture of them - way too cute!);
then she ordered 6 bottles of Jones soda (she was a bit surprise that I had not heard of it - she thought everyone knew of that brand of soda - she had their picture on one side and on the other a message from them and us - not so sure that was necessary - cute that is for sure!);
suggestion a food place to order the sandwiches items;
ordered the cake (from a friend's 17 years old daughter - it turned out to be 4 tiers high - beautiful and fun);
order a picnic basket to put some engagement items in;
rented some purple scarfs for the table and silver trays for the food;
brought the tea and water decanter. Now that was what I knew about.

What I didn't know was:

that we had to change locations at the last minute, the foyer was not for parties, so she knew someone that had a daughter that knew someone to make it work;
the scarf the my son was to blindfold her was monogramed;
that the picnic basket was monogramed;
that she changed her mind on the small tables (so we did not use the small tableclothes that I bought).

On the table we had: a flower arrangement
a four tier cake
hoagies, cut in 1/2" slices
Spinach dip w/crackers and melba toast chips
Captain Roneys dip
pasta salad
chicken salad sandwich bites
fresh strawberries and dip
two decantors; with tea and lemon flavored water.

It was a nice spread, real nice, and she had everything under control. Everything. She did not need my help. I tried several times with helping put out the food, but I could tell she wanted to do it, so I let her. Now to the party ...

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